Suttree by Cormac McCarthy

  Suttree is a dark book. At times it will make you outright smile. It was dragged out of the Knoxville swamps drenched with whisky, blood, spattered with semen. A catfish was said to have been dragged out with it. I followed the trail of broken tears, it lead me to this book. Shortly afterContinue reading “Suttree by Cormac McCarthy”

Howard Zinn On War by Howard Zinn

The collection of essays by WWII veteran turned peace activist and history professor, Howard Zinn, in Howard Zinn On War is indispensable to any person seeking to understand the vulgar reality of war. What makes his essays powerful is his reinterpretation of a history we’ve all been brought up to believe. The spirit of Zinn’sContinue reading “Howard Zinn On War by Howard Zinn”

American Fascists: The Christian Right and The War on America by Chris Hedges

American Fascists: The Christian Right and The War on America by Chris Hedges, graduate from seminary at Harvard Divinity School and two decade war correspondent, points out the elephant in the room. Much of the country is aware of the extreme Christian Right’s agenda for dominating our government, education, private life, and foreign policy. InContinue reading “American Fascists: The Christian Right and The War on America by Chris Hedges”

Everything we had: An oral history of the vietnam war by Al Santoli

  A powerfully unapologetic book. It completely destroyed the Hollywood and Media fantasy notion of what war is. The stories by these Vietnam veterans are raw and make no attempt to come off as politically correct. They talk about their experiences in their own word without regard to being politically correct. The testimonies follow a chronologicalContinue reading “Everything we had: An oral history of the vietnam war by Al Santoli”

Neuromancer by William Gibson

  How do I rate a book like Neuromancer? It reads like a freakish cross of Williams Burroughs’ Post Modernism, Walt Whitman’s metaphysical soul surfing, and Philip Dick’s future noir. Gibson was far ahead of his time, took an entire generation forward, blah blah blah, everything everyone else read on Wikipedia. Ok, so what aboutContinue reading “Neuromancer by William Gibson”